April 02, 2024

Blast is Now Live on Uniswap


Uniswap users can now swap and provide liquidity on Blast with the Uniswap interface and in the Uniswap mobile app. This launch marks the first time Uniswap users can earn native yield on LP positions, due to Blast’s rebasing functionality.

Uniswap on Blast

Blast is an L2 that provides native yield for ETH and the USDB stablecoin. Like other L2s, Blast provides swappers and LPs with lower gas costs and faster swaps (compared to Ethereum mainnet).

Swapping on Blast


To use Uniswap on Blast network, users just need to navigate to app.uniswap.org, select the network button, and choose Blast as their network. Blast support is also live on the Uniswap mobile app for swapping on-the-go.

LPing on Blast


To provide liquidity on Blast, visit app.uniswap.org. Users providing liquidity have the option between using Uniswap v2 and Uniswap v3. LPs for pools where one of the tokens is USDB or WETH are able to continue to earn native yield (as they would if they were holding these tokens in a wallet on Blast). Native yield is only available for v2 pools. Uniswap v3 pools on Blast do not earn native yield due to the technical implementation details of concentrated liquidity in v3.

Note: Blast’s native rebasing introduces new risk considerations for liquidity providers in Uniswap v3 on Blast, especially in the case of negative rebasing. Like similar concentrated liquidity AMMs, v3 is not designed to handle negative rebasing tokens natively. Liquidity providers in rebasing tokens on Blast should consider Uniswap v2 instead.

Blast is live on the Uniswap interface and on the Uniswap mobile app. To celebrate the launch, Uniswap is doing a commemorative mint on Zora. Mint here.

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