April 14, 2022

Introducing the Swap Widget


Swap Widget Announcement Header GIF

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Uniswap Labs

Today, we’re thrilled to announce the launch of the Swap Widget. The Swap Widget bundles the whole Uniswap experience into a single React component that developers can easily embed in their app with one line of code.

We envision a world in which everyone is able to access fair, open, and transparent markets. The Swap Widget brings this vision closer to reality by allowing developers to easily embed Uniswap swapping functionality, allowing their users to seamlessly swap tokens, join a community or DAO, wrap assets, and more, without leaving their apps.


We’re excited to launch the Swap Widget in some of web3’s most popular apps — OpenSea, Friends With Benefits, and Oasis.app.

On OpenSea, NFT collectors can seamlessly swap tokens for WETH or wrap ETH to WETH to fund their next purchase on the fly, without leaving the app. On FWB, approved community members can easily purchase the FWB tokens they need to join the DAO on the FWB homepage. And on Oasis.app, investors can deploy their crypto into DeFi.

Swap Widget Features

The Swap Widget bundles the whole Uniswap experience into a single component. This includes several powerful features:

  • Polished UI: the Widget inherits the Uniswap App’s design practices, smooth animations, and error handling
  • Customizable: tailor the colors, font, and rounded corners to match your app’s visual identity
  • Custom token lists: select the tokens that appear in the Swap Widget to meet your user’s needs
  • Great pricing: the Swap Widget bundles Uniswap Labs’ Auto Router to find the best price across Uniswap v2 + v3 token pools
  • Low gas on L2: the Swap Widget supports all chains where Uniswap protocol is available, including Polygon, Arbitrum, and Optimism

Integrate the Swap Widget today

The Widget is now available for all developers, and can be embedded into your app with only one line of code.

To start integrating, see the developer docs.

Join the Discord channel for questions and technical support.

As always, the Swap Widget is fully open source. You can check out the GitHub repo here.

To get involved and stay up to date:

  • Join the Uniswap community discord
  • Follow Uniswap Labs on Twitter
  • Subscribe to the Uniswap Labs blog
  • Register as a delegate on Sybil
  • Participate in Uniswap governance

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